Let's Do This Together! 

Hey I'll Not waste a bit of your time and get straight to the point. You want to have a business online or a YouTube Channel that pays you while you sleep. It could be because you are sick of your day job and looking for a way out, or a complete career change. Maybe you have something that you are really passionate about and you want to share it with the world.  Or maybe you the see some of the writing that is on the wall and feel like you need to get on the ball with moving things along.

Maybe you already have a business online. And that business isn't as big as you would like for it to be. Maybe you have stopped growing. Or maybe your one of a million people who will start a business and stop it as quick as you got started. 

In any case, you turn to a million videos online or to someone to learn techniques to start and grow your community. Video courses, mastermind groups....or some shiny new product that is on the market. Well in a lot of cases it's not that those things are bad, it's just you usually end up scratching your head trying to figure it all out. And for most folks they will just end up stuck. There aren't any real places that you have found to really offer you the help that you are seeking. So you are left with the oh well so sorry for you sinking feeling and now your right back where you started. 

Online Training is a fantastic opportunity (heck my entire business model is online training), it still leaves some people with a void. Void that completely stops you dead in your tracks because you get no PERSONAL help when you need it the most. So I wanted to fix this for people and by giving you personal weekly coaching to go along with my online courses and training programs.  I call it the Digital Learn Academy

But Hey...Who The Heck Am I?

My name is Marcellus and I consultant and digital product creator. I have been helping content creators for the last ten years. I have built and stopped more successful YouTube channels than most creators have ever created!. I have been holding onto a vault of useful resources for people to build and create an online business.  I have developed a set of skills that allows me to teach and create courses that will help average and ordinary people create a pathway to freedom! It's why top content creators and marketers come to me to help resolve issues and why "average creators" come to me when they have been up all night looking at videos and found no answer. I am the dude that helps people get "unstuck" by helping  to solve some of their creation problems...and inside the Digital Academy. I can help you figure the hard things out and make sense of video and content creation.  

Here's What You Get In The Digital Learn Academy 

Weekly Coaching 

You get up To 2 Hours of weekly personal Coaching  from me each WEEK!!!

Private Coaching

Inside of our priviate coaching group this is a web based group and not on Facebook!

All Class Replays

You Have Complete access to all of the coaching call replays to watch. 

You get up To 2 Hours of weekly personal Coaching  from me each WEEK!!! Via Webinar, Plus a private coaching group! Plus Unlimited Coaching from our private group!

Ok Let's face some facts here, there is never really a one size fits all sort of training and or Facebook group. What I am providing here is just real, live group coaching between you and students just like you who are looking to build their community! This is going to save you month's of headaches and heartaches.

This is going to solve the biggest issue why most people fail with online training. You have a problem or issue and get stuck and you have no place to turn. Sure maybe you can post your questions to a group on Facebook or some god awful forum, only to get replies from 15 other people, just as lost as you are. Or maybe you have a coach you can turn to but you have to wait weeks or even month's until you are able to find yourself on their schedule (or worse another pre-recorded webinar)....and your stuck until then.

Now picture this. You get stuck. You need help. get that help quickly....straight from me. And you won't need to schedule it weeks or month's in advance.  Or dig through a bunch of YouTube Videos looking for the answer. Just reach out to me on the group call or chat and your done!!! 

This is the way personal mentorship should always be. This personal mentorship is invaluable – and you get up to 2 hours of group coaching via webinar each week (that’s $1,000's worth of personal mentoring), plus unlimited coaching via group chat. And that’s the experience I’m trying to provide you in the Digital Learn Academy…a level of personal service no one provides these days. No one.


You Get Access To 20+ Classes & Courses at Digital Learn Academy. Plus New Classes We Have Each WEEK!!

I am producing a lot of online training courses and classes. Like, really a lot. And you will get full-access to all of our classes and a few of our premium courses. These will help you on your journey or maybe even give some ideas to create a new business. You will get access to all of the weekly live classes and also some of the courses that I create going forward. 

It's pretty cut and dry and drop dead simple.  Every weekly class we have is yours! You will also get access to a few courses that we create each year just for being a part of the Academy. That includes my new Camtasia Course coming later in 2022!! 

This is our new home and we will be adding finished courses weekly! We have a vault of courses that we will be adding but we will need time to update and edit videos for this new site. You will get updated weekly when new courses are published.


You'll Be First On The List To Know About Newest Technology And Marketing Techniques That Will Grow Your Community And Your Business.

 There are things you need to learn that don’t require a full training course. For example, maybe there is a new technology or technique is working really well (or an older one has stopped working). Or there’s something I’ve discovered that you can profit from right away. I will let you know in these weekly classes and private video's inside of our group!

Over $17,640 in Coaching and Training As a Member of the  Digital Learn Academy You Get...

2 Hours of weekly coaching from me each week. For 12 Month's or as long as you keep your membership.

$195 an hour. That's what I charge for one-on-one zoom coaching sessions. But as a part of the Digital Learn Academy, you get two hours of group coaching each week,plus access to all the replays. Plus , unlimited coaching via private group. 


Included in your membership to the Digital Learn Academy is access to every class  I've made (30+ would cost you $1,000's to purchase all of them individually). But in addition to that, you'll get free access to every new class and a few courses that  I produce while you're a member. 

Member's only private training videos-????

There is no way that I can put a number of this one. But just one of the members-only training videos just  might make or save your business thousands. It's that simple. These video cover emerging tech and marketing techniques that you can take advantage of before anyone else. You'll always be the first to know, instead of the last.

That's Over $15,900 In Coaching and Training-

All told, you're getting $6,800+ in courses (plus an average of $1,200 in new courses every year), over $8,000 in one-on-one coaching and members-only training videos on emerging topics. These numbers aren't made up. They are real. It's both an honest and tremendous value.

How Much For All This???

 Get your Digital Learn Academy ALL Access Pass for only $20.00 Per Month! 

You get everything for one year…$15,900+ worth of mentoring and training…for $20.00 per month . No, it’s not cheap and it’s not for everyone…but it will pay for itself many times over with the tremendous value you receive.

So to take advantage of this opportunity, here’s what to do next.

Below you’ll find the red enrollment button. Click it to join the Digital Learn  Academy right now.

After you join, you can access the member’s area. There, you’ll have immediate access to all of my classes that have been posted so far, the instructions on getting in the private members group (and no it's not on Facebook!)

So if this is for you, be sure to jump on it now. Let’s make your online business successful together. 

  • I understand the price I will be paying today for enrollment into the Digital  Academy is $20.00 to begin my monthly access.
  • I understand that is a month to month subscription and there are no refunds, however I can cancel before my next renewal date.
  • I understand I will receive an all access pass to every class Marcellus has produced and every future class he makes while I am a member.  And I will be able to receive a 50% discount on premium courses. 
  • I understand I will receive access to members only training videos that cover updated technology and marketing techniques that I can profit from. 
  • I understand I will receive up to 2 hours of group coaching/mentorship from Marcellus each week (unless he is out of town or class has been rescheduled ) on topics he will choose to cover. I am also allowed to ask questions of my own. (Anytime a week of class is missed  he will promptly set up a new class and notify me by email or list it on this website.) 
  • I understand that after I make my payment, I can immediately access the members area and get started with the classes that are already there. 

Join Now!!

$20.00 Per MO

Please Start My Access To The Digital Learn Academy.
